Richard Styner

Richard STYNER

My ISTE Portfolio

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Richard Styner

Standard C-4: Professional Development and Program Evaluation

Indicators Addressed:

Professional development and program evaluation Technology coaches conduct needs assessments, develop technology-related professional learning programs, and evaluate the impact on instructional practice and student learning.
  • a. Conduct needs assessments to inform the content and delivery of technology-related professional learning programs that result in a positive impact on student learning
  • b. Design, develop, and implement technologyrich professional learning programs that model principles of adult learning and promote digital age best practices in teaching, learning, and assessment
  • c. Evaluate results of professional learning programs to determine the effectiveness on deepening teacher content knowledge, improving teacher pedagogical skills and/or increasing student learning

Description:Mentoring A teacher in Video Integration

This is an overview of a project where I helped a teacher integrate video into a lesson and place it online. This was originally an individual assignment, but since I am not currently teaching, I assisted another teacher in integrating video into his classroom.

How was this shared?

For this project I helped a high school art teacher named Phil Hargrave use video to teach the idea of how conflict occurs and possible ways to diffuse the situation. This unit took 8 class periods, and had the kids use video cameras and computers to edit the product. The results were posted on YouTube.com.

Evidence of Impact

I met with Mr. Hargrave to discus how to make an impactful statement about violence on campus. He had done the unit before with written assignments and some role play. I suggested we use short videos.

In addition to the subject matter, the students were given examples of film techniques such as Focal Length, Zoom, and Camera Height 2 class periods.

The video was first story boarded using http://generator.acmi.net.au/storyboard, to generate. This was done over 1 class period, and outside of class or in study hall (also with Mr. Hargrave). Storyboard was subject to approval.

The video would use these 3 techniques as the scene increased in intensity. Video length was to be 1-2 minutes. Video was rehearsed shot using school cameras on tripods during 2 class periods.

Then videos were edited using Adobe Premier, which students had used earlier in the year for an animation unit.

Afterwards, the students participated in a class discussion to discuss how each video could have been deescalated at the end.

The students were in self-selected groups of 4, with 4 roles during story boarding/prep: Leader, Story boarder, Quality Assurance(makes sure all elements are present), and script writer. All students were responsible for all roles, but primary responsibility (and extra point) went to each.

Silent Movie

Bye Bye Bye

My Life's a Movie (with guest star Phil Hargrave)